Advance your research, generate impact, and secure funding by partnering with industry teams around the world.
Connecting the research ecosystem
Engage with industry teams from all sectors looking for early to late-stage research, technologies, spin-outs, and expertise for consultancy.
Build connections
Generate impact
Secure funding
A new route to advance research through industry partnerships
Over 6,000 R&D teams are registered to our online partnering network, including 90% of the top 50 R&D spending companies globally, to find new academic partners who can help solve their technical challenges and priorities.
Track your submissions
A simple submission process and progress tracking through an online dashboard with email alerts for new campaigns.
Personal introductions
A closed-loop platform accessible only by decision-makers from industry and academia in a position to partner.
No success fees or hidden costs
Collaborations are discussed exclusively between you and the potential partner, with the support of your institute as required.
Unlock new opportunities
Plug in to a new stream of funding and collaboration opportunities with world-leading R&D teams looking to academia for solutions.
Create impact for your research
Start new collaborations
Accelerate your research
Help solve global challenges
Why wait?
Over 20,000 academics are engaging with industry through our online partnering network.