You may have heard the phrase ‘the best things come in small packages’ and that’s certainly the case with these new nanotechnology innovations. The 10 university-developed nanotechnologies profiled below are those most impactful our online platform, Connect, in terms of their engagement from the global industry R&D community. New nanotechnology innovations are rapidly changing the technological landscape across a range of sectors and these are set to be the next big (but also very small) thing.

Each of the following new nanotechnology innovations has been published on Inpart’s matchmaking platform by a university or research institute to find new industry partners to work with on co-development and commercialization. Through the links below (after creating a free account for the platform) you can read the full summary article.

If the nanotechnology example aligns with your priorities, you can submit technical questions or request further information directly through the platform, and the team behind the technology will send you a response via email.

Top 10 nanotechnology innovations for 2025

10. An antibacterial nanofiber disinfectant to clean out the competition

Traditional disinfectants, commonly used in industries and consumer markets, often contain harsh chemicals like sodium hypochlorite, causing corrosion, respiratory irritation, and damage to surfaces. These chemicals accelerate rust on metal equipment and pose health risks to workers. There’s a growing need for safer, eco-friendly alternatives that effectively disinfect without harmful side effects.

Using the electrospinning technique, researchers at The American University in Cairo have developed a disinfectant that transforms natural polysaccharides like chitosan into antibacterial nanofibers. Their solution is antibacterial and anti-corrosive whilst avoiding harmful chemicals and is suitable for use on various surfaces including stainless steel. The team is seeking industry partners for licensing and further product development.

9. Improving coating barrier performance through a nanoclay additive

Waterborne coatings are desirable over solvent-based coatings as they reduce the amount of volatile organic components, with benefits to the environment, safety and the cost of manufacturing. However, they often have reduced barrier performance, which can be improved by adding nanoparticles to minimize water absorption.

Researchers at Portland State University have developed a nanoclay additive that can be modified into nanoparticles using commercially available additives, leading to reduced water absorption whilst maintaining transparency. Their innovation extends the lifespan of coatings used in infrastructure, automotive, and outdoor applications through effectively preventing water damage. The team is seeking a commercial partner.

8. Eco-friendly disinfectant made from tea and oils

Food and water contamination pose a serious global health challenge, especially in densely populated, developing regions where infectious diseases spread rapidly due to poor sanitation. Traditional disinfectants often fall short in providing lasting protection against bacteria, viruses, and fungi, leading to heightened risks of illness.

Scientists at The American University in Cairo have developed a method to convert green tea and peppermint oils into nanoparticles, enhancing their antimicrobial potency and stability. Their eco-friendly, biodegradable particles provide extended protection for up to 96 hours and can be applied in multiple formats like powders, liquids, and gels. The research team is seeking partners for licensing and collaboration to bring their antimicrobial solutions to market.

7. Sprayable nanofibers to treat skin wounds

Skin injuries like burns account for an estimated 180, 000 deaths annually according to the WHO and chronic wounds, and trauma are a global health concern, affecting millions annually. While advancements in medicine have improved outcomes, there’s still a need for better methods to enhance healing. Researchers at the University of Southern Mississippi are tackling this by developing innovative materials that optimize the healing environment for skin regeneration.

Their breakthrough involves sprayable peptide amphiphile nanofibers that self-assemble into scaffolds mimicking the body’s extracellular matrix. These scaffolds can deliver cells, drugs, and growth factors directly to wounds, accelerating tissue repair. The team is looking for partners interested in scaling this technology for wider medical use, potentially transforming wound care globally.

6. Non-viral nanoparticle delivery system - A stroke of gene-ius.

While genome editing is proven to have the potential to treat many incurable and complex diseases, the issue of delivery is becoming a source of debate. Viral delivery can result in unwanted immune responses or off-target effects, but non-viral complexes are often too large and unstable, limiting their biological distribution and clinical use.

Researchers at the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences have developed a means of assembling neutral or negative DNA particles that don’t need non-aqueous solvents. This technology, which has been evaluated in animal studies, has potential applications in delivery of nucleic acids for vaccination, gene silencing or protein expression. The Monash researchers are seeking development partners to further advance their nanotechnology innovation

5.Using cellulose nanocrystals to put pests to rest

According to the European Environment Agency substances like organic solvents and surfactants within traditional chemical pesticides are linked to increased biodiversity loss as well as chronic illnesses such as cancer, and heart, respiratory and neurological diseases. As such, there is a pressing market and societal need for an environmentally-friendly and non-harmful solution to this issue.

Scientists at University of Waterloo have developed an effective agro/aquachemical delivery system that utilizes nanomaterials as carriers or dispersing agents. The cellulose nanocrystals used create aqueous nano-dispersions of pesticides that are not only sustainable, but also more efficient as measured by the mortality of the target organisms. The team is seeking co-development and licensing partnerships.

4. Making ultralight work of reducing household fires through nanocellulose aerogel

Around 350,000 homes in the United States alone experience a fire each year, resulting in 1,721 fatalities in 2024. While modern buildings increasingly use flame retardant materials that also act as a thermal insulator, most buildings use flammable organic and petroleum-derived materials like polystyrene, with flame retardant additives. During a fire, these additives create toxic byproducts such as halogenated hydrogen and phosphorous oxide, which are harmful to both humans and the environment.

What fights fire? Freezing of course! The aerogel developed by scientists at Northeastern University made through freeze-drying cellulose nanofibers and metallic phase MoS2 means more oxygen is needed for combustion and improves fire resistance. The nanobarrier effect suppresses the external heat source and even lessens the release of toxic substances. The team is seeking collaborations to advance their technology for application including electrical appliances, construction and fireproofing cloth

3. A bioactive ingredient delivery nanomaterial to literally save your skin

Many active ingredients in skincare products are embedded in a matrix designed to control the speed of said ingredients. However, much of the drug can become trapped in the matrix, leading toa high level of active ingredient being wasted. Additionally, patients often report skin irritation from the adhesive materials that are environmentally unfriendly.

The technology tested in this project by the team at University of East Anglia overcomes these problems by absorbing the active ingredients into nanofiber sheets which are made of safe, scalable and biocompatible materials. This delivery method can incorporate many active ingredients, with a skin-like feel, making it perfectly suited to both the cosmetic and pharmaceuticals industries. The team are seeking collaboration and licensing partners.

2. “Frozen smoke” a hot new aerogel technology

Nanomaterials are crucial in the fields of energy storage, water purification, and catalysis due to the unique properties that they possess. Whereas traditional materials can lack the mechanical strength, porosity, and thermal properties required, aerogels, a diverse class of porous, solid materials, can be highly effective.

Scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have a long history of developing aerogels and the researchers working on the technologies can tailor the structures depending on what its being used for. The team at LLNL are looking for partners to develop and commercialize their aerogels for a wide-range of uses, including 3D printing, water desalination, and catalysis.

1. The complete package! A superior production method for biopolymer composite films

In 2025, plastic pollution is, and will remain, one of earth’s most pressing environmental threats, and the packaged food market is still growing rapidly. In fact, it is estimated to be valued at a huge $3.4 trillion by 2030. Despite efforts to improve sustainability, 90% of packaging is still non-degradable and single-use and while the introduction of biopolymers is increasingly attractive, there are still issues to be addressed. These issues include water and oxygen permeability, mechanical brittleness and thermal stability.

The team over at North Carolina State University introduce a biopolymer composite film composed of agarose and nanofibrillated chitosan to serve as a sustainable alternative to petroleum-based packaging. Their films offer better strength, water vapor and oxygen permeabilities and have desirable aesthetic qualities as they are transparent, waterproof and won’t swell. The team are seeking a broad range of industry partnerships.

What we’ve included in our top nanotechnology innovations for 2025

The innovations listed in this article also feature in our recently published R&D trends report. For this report, and subsequently this article, we used the keyword set below to identify a dataset of active opportunities on our online partnering platform, Connect.

Keyword terms: nanotechnology, nanomaterial, quantum dot, nanotube, nanofiber, spintronic, nanophotonic, nanorobot, nanostructure.

These opportunities were then ranked by engagement from industry.

Examples of how nanotechnology innovations are applied across multiple sectors

Nanotechnology, generally defined as matter and structures with dimensions between 1-100 nanometers by the National Nanotechnology Initiative, continues to revolutionize industries with its novel properties and wide-spanning applications. Using nanotechnology, materials can be made to suit whatever their desired purpose is, whether that be stronger, lighter, more durable, or even targeted. The application of this innovation has reverberated across most industries including healthcare, electronics, energy, and environmental sustainability.

Nanotechnology innovations are heavily involved in medicine and healthcare, whether it be through targeted drug delivery systems, diabetes management, early disease detection and improved vaccine delivery among other utilizations. For example, nanoparticles can deliver medication to cancer cells without damaging the surrounding healthy tissue, making treatments more effective. As for its diagnostic capabilities, imaging techniques and miniaturized sensors can detect disease much earlier than other techniques used currently, improving patient outcomes. 

Nanotechnology innovations have also played a significant part in environmental science. For example, Nanomaterials have made a huge splash by filtering water contaminants at a microscopic level, while the future of solar power as an alternative to fossil fuels is bright, thanks to the efficiency of nano-enhanced solar cells which double the amount of sunlight converted into electricity. 

In relation to the electronics industry, nanotechnology has enabled electronic components to be shrunk down significantly. Nanoscale transistors are at the heart of today’s advanced computers, and already have shown potential in relation to quantum computing. But the impact doesn’t stop there! These tiny technologies have made a huge impact in other sectors and products, including food, adhesives, furniture and even sunscreen.

Challenges and considerations in developing nanotechnology innovations for 2025

Despite the exciting prospect of breakthrough nanotechnology innovations, its relative newness means that there are many safety considerations and regulatory challenges that must be satisfied during the research and development process. Even as we approach 2025, the most fundamental premise of what classifies as a ‘nanotechnology’ example has been up for debate, requiring recommendations from the European Commission. Harmonizing a definition on a global scale has been challenging. Classification is crucial due to the legal ramifications, as nanotechnology comes under intense scrutiny because of its potential risks.

The Philosophy Institute raises important points around the risk to public health and the environment. When developing nanotechnology innovations, a research team must ensure that the materials are safe for not only human use but are not toxic to plants and animals. Long-term monitoring needs to be in place for nanomaterials to track the effects in both medicine and in food chains and ecosystems. Similarly, the World Health Organization have documented the “concern about unwanted or unexpected interactions with biological systems, which could result in adverse consequences to human and ecosystem health”. 

The societal responsibility that both research institutes and industry face when developing novel nanotechnology is vast, and must be handled with diligence.

Nanotechnology is becoming increasingly regulated worldwide. To give a couple of examples, government agencies in the United States like the FDA are developing stringent frameworks and committees like the Nanotechnology Task Force and Nanotechnology Interest Group to ensure the safety of nanotechnology research development. Similarly, in Europe the Joint Research Centre work with the European Commission on the safety assessment of nanomaterials, the development and optimization of in vitro methods, the physico-chemical characterization of nanomaterials, all the way down to the implementation of ingredient labeling. Thus, for an exciting new nanotechnology innovation to be brought out of the lab and into the world to have societal impact, it first must pass today’s robust testing standards.

Another challenge that industry and its collaborating researchers face is scalability. AzoNano outlines two factors that play into the challenge of scalability when developing and commercializing nanotechnology innovations. Firstly, it is difficult to control the characteristics of nanomaterials when scaled up, and secondly, industrial R&D companies are hesitant to invest heavily in large-scale techniques unless they’re confident in a sizable profit. 

While there are examples of successful scaled up nanomaterial production, such as Cerion, illustrating that this can be a cost-effective approach for varying industrial applications, there are still many financial and technological barriers to overcome for nanotechnology innovations to be commercialized.

Production credits:

Technologies written by Jake Mitchell (1-6), Emily Jones (7-10)

Edited by Alex Stockham

Copyrights reserved unless otherwise agreed – Inpart., 2024 ‘Top 10 nanotechnology innovations for 2025’.